Tips to Help You Spot Clutter While Spring Cleaning

Happy Spring! Many people use this time of year to shake out rugs, deep clean windows, and switch seasonal items.

As you go through your spring cleaning routine, take some extra time in each area to remove clutter that you no longer need. It will make cleaning in the future easier and it will make your spring cleaning efforts more noticeable.

Below are some tips to help you spot clutter while you are doing normal spring cleaning tasks.


As you deep clean your windows and take down your blinds or curtains for cleaning, look for these common forms of clutter to remove:

  • Faded sun catchers
  • Window sill decorations that are faded or no longer suit your style
  • Dead plants
  • Curtains or blinds that are faded or torn or otherwise looking past their prime


As you are taking your rugs out to shake off and air out, look for signs of the following:

  • Rips or tears
  • Stains
  • Peeling

Fix the issue if you can or retire the worn-out rug.


Before putting away your winter clothes, go through them piece by piece and pull out items:

  • That no longer are your style
  • That didn’t fit
  • That have stains or tears that cannot be repaired

Tips Moving Forward

  • When you put your spring clothes in your closet, turn your hangers backward. After you wear an item you can put it back in the closet with a hanger facing the correct direction. This way at the end of the season you will easily be able to see what you wore and what you didn’t wear.
  • Keep a small donation bag or box in your closet so that if you find an article of clothing that doesn’t fit or that you no longer want to wear you can immediately add it to your donation bag. Take the bag to the donation center as soon as it is filled up.


As you wipe down your walls and dust off your pictures and decorations, make use of the time you are spending on each item individually and ask yourself:

  • Do I still love this? 
  • Does this fit my style?
  • Is this still in good condition?

Tips for the Whole Process

  • Don’t return something after cleaning a space simply because it has always been there. Take time to evaluate your belongings and remove the things that don’t serve a purpose.
  • If you come across something you didn’t even remember that you had, there is a good chance it is clutter that you can remove.
  • Before replacing anything you decide to remove, give yourself time to enjoy your space without the item. You might decide that you can simply do without instead of buying something new.

Published by Suzanne- Happily Decluttered

Hi!! My name is Suzanne and I live in central PA with my husband and three girls. I love yoga, pickleball, camping, spending time with my family, and decluttering!

15 thoughts on “Tips to Help You Spot Clutter While Spring Cleaning

    1. I do that with my hangers at the beginning of each season. It is super helpful.

      The donation bag is especially helpful with my kids. The things that they outgrow go right into a box that is labeled with the kids name who we pass their stuff to.😀

  1. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂 I have all of my clothes in my closet, but I am going to turn all of the hangars around. What a great idea!

    1. I got the idea from a book a couple of years ago. It is really helpful to do with coats and my kids’ clothes too. I don’t have to spend any time thinking about if something was worn or not. It saves a lot of time.

  2. Going into autumn here but living in the tropics means there is little difference so am spring/fall cleaning and agree with all the things you pointed out. Am trying to clear some space.

    1. Haha, Thanks! I have always loved finding ways to simplify things. It was my favorite part of every job I had. Now that I have applied the concept to my whole life, I have found it is a passion that I enjoy sharing with others. I’m happy I was able to share an idea that you can implement.

      Happy Easter!

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