The Organization Trap: Why Making Things Look Pretty Won’t Solve Your Clutter Problem

We’ve all been there. You stare at a messy room, vowing to finally conquer the clutter. You spend hours meticulously folding clothes, stacking books, and arranging knick-knacks. But a week later, the chaos is back. What went wrong? The truth is, organization alone isn’t enough. Here’s why: Organization is a Band-Aid:  Imagine a leaky pipe. YouContinueContinue reading “The Organization Trap: Why Making Things Look Pretty Won’t Solve Your Clutter Problem”

Why My Spouse and I Skip The Gifts

I’m sure some people are surprised to hear that my husband and I don’t buy each other gifts. After all, gift-giving is a common way to show love and appreciation in relationships. But there are a few reasons why we’ve chosen to do things differently. Why we don’t buy each other gifts: 1. We wouldContinueContinue reading “Why My Spouse and I Skip The Gifts”

The Liberating Power of Decluttering

Decluttering is the process of getting rid of the excess. It can be done in any area of your life, from your belongings to your schedule to your thoughts. But what are the benefits of decluttering? Why should you bother? One of the main benefits of decluttering is that it creates freedom! When you haveContinueContinue reading “The Liberating Power of Decluttering”

What Is Hygge?

If you aren’t familiar with the Danish word, Hygge (hoo-ga or hue-gah depending who you ask) describes a comforting and cozy atmosphere. Meik Wiking, CEO of the Happiness Research Institute, wrote a whole book describing hygge which is called The Little Book Of Hygge Danish Secrets To Happy Living. Many people have become interested inContinueContinue reading “What Is Hygge?”

My Don’t Want List

Earlier this month I read a great post by Joshua Becker from Becoming Minimalist. It was called, Expand Your Don’t Want List. The article stresses the importance of being happy with what you have. Right away I started to think about what I would put on my don’t want list. I took a few minutesContinueContinue reading “My Don’t Want List”

20 Ways To Live More Simply

It may be time to simplify your lifestyle if you feel like your house is always a mess, you feel worn out and overcommitted, or if you feel like you constantly need upgrades for the things you own. A more simplified lifestyle allows you to live in the present, find joy in the simple things,ContinueContinue reading “20 Ways To Live More Simply”

What Does It Mean To Be Happily Decluttered?

I would love to be able to provide a list of rules to follow to help others become Happily Decluttered but it doesn’t work that way because every one of us is unique. What I can provide is some insight on how I became Happily Decluttered. Hopefully, this will help spark an idea for youContinueContinue reading “What Does It Mean To Be Happily Decluttered?”

Life Lessons I Learned From Camping

I love camping! Growing up, both of my parents were teachers so we spent most of the summer months traveling as a family in our camper. All of my best memories from growing up took place on a camping trip.  I didn’t realize it at the time but all of those camping trips provided aContinueContinue reading “Life Lessons I Learned From Camping”

30 Reasons to Declutter

If you have already begun decluttering, you most likely have experienced some beneficial side effects that you weren’t expecting.  The following list includes the benefits that I experienced after decluttering my home. Some I noticed immediately, and some happened over time. Although some may not seem directly related to decluttering, they all stem from owningContinueContinue reading “30 Reasons to Declutter”

Earth Is Your Home: Pick Up Litter

Earth Day is right around the corner. Start celebrating now (and always) by treating the Earth as if it is your home. It is! At our houses, we all do our best to provide a clean and safe place for our families. But, what happens when we leave our properties?  We have all seen litterContinueContinue reading “Earth Is Your Home: Pick Up Litter”