The Organization Trap: Why Making Things Look Pretty Won’t Solve Your Clutter Problem

We’ve all been there. You stare at a messy room, vowing to finally conquer the clutter. You spend hours meticulously folding clothes, stacking books, and arranging knick-knacks. But a week later, the chaos is back. What went wrong? The truth is, organization alone isn’t enough. Here’s why: Organization is a Band-Aid:  Imagine a leaky pipe. YouContinueContinue reading “The Organization Trap: Why Making Things Look Pretty Won’t Solve Your Clutter Problem”

From Chaos to Control: Discover Your Perfect All-in-One Note System

Do overflowing piles of to-do lists, sticky notes, and random scraps of paper make you feel constantly bombarded? Wish you could trade that chaos for calm, control, and productivity? An all-in-one note system might be the answer! Create an All-in-One Note System Select a notebook: Find one that fits your style and needs. Opt for goodContinueContinue reading “From Chaos to Control: Discover Your Perfect All-in-One Note System”

Declutter Do-Over: Ditch the Guilt, Embrace the Fresh Start 

A few weeks ago, you stated that THIS year was the year that you were going to declutter and embrace simplicity. You may have started off strong, gathering boxes and trash bags and pulling everything out of a closet. At some point in the process, you started to feel overwhelmed, you noticed your attention drifting,ContinueContinue reading “Declutter Do-Over: Ditch the Guilt, Embrace the Fresh Start “

Let’s Interact

This email is just a quick THANK YOU to everyone who has subscribed to my blog. If you have been enjoying the content, please consider following and interacting with me on Facebook @happilydecluttered and Instagram @happilydeclutteredwithsuzanne. My goal is to provide you with the best decluttering motivation and tips possible, so I would love toContinueContinue reading “Let’s Interact”

Conquering the Pre-Decluttering Jitters: 3 Reasons to Keep Your Decluttering Session

So, you’ve finally booked the date. The decluttering session is on the calendar but…wait, why is your heart doing a victory lap while your brain contemplates fleeing to the nearest remote island due to pre-decluttering jitters? Decluttering anxiety is a real thing. The looming task of purging possessions and facing the ghosts of clutter pastContinueContinue reading “Conquering the Pre-Decluttering Jitters: 3 Reasons to Keep Your Decluttering Session”

Why My Spouse and I Skip The Gifts

I’m sure some people are surprised to hear that my husband and I don’t buy each other gifts. After all, gift-giving is a common way to show love and appreciation in relationships. But there are a few reasons why we’ve chosen to do things differently. Why we don’t buy each other gifts: 1. We wouldContinueContinue reading “Why My Spouse and I Skip The Gifts”

The Liberating Power of Decluttering

Decluttering is the process of getting rid of the excess. It can be done in any area of your life, from your belongings to your schedule to your thoughts. But what are the benefits of decluttering? Why should you bother? One of the main benefits of decluttering is that it creates freedom! When you haveContinueContinue reading “The Liberating Power of Decluttering”

Do you have too many clothes?

As a decluttering consultant, I work with individuals and families to help them remove the clutter from their lives. Lately, I have been working with multiple clients that keep clothes all over their house. Stuffed in closets, stored in totes, piled in the living room, hanging from the shower curtain rod, and various other places. ContinueContinue reading “Do you have too many clothes?”

How To Avoid Clutter Collecting Habits

When most people start talking about decluttering, they focus on the clutter in their house. But it is equally, if not more important to think about how it got there in the first place and current clutter collecting habits that add to the problem.  As soon as you start decluttering your house, you should alsoContinueContinue reading “How To Avoid Clutter Collecting Habits”

Back-To-School Shopping Tips

School is starting up again soon, so that means you have probably been seeing back-to-school sales going on the last few weeks. All the new school supplies and new clothes look appealing and the deals may seem irresistible, but before you go out for your back-to-school shopping, check out the tips below so you don’tContinueContinue reading “Back-To-School Shopping Tips”