Declutter your Mind with Yoga

Have you ever caught yourself playing the same negative conversation over and over in your mind or found yourself thinking about a time in the past that made you sad? I hate how these random thoughts can sneak into a perfectly good day and can turn happiness into gloom with little effort. I have neverContinueContinue reading “Declutter your Mind with Yoga”

4 Tips To Help You Start Removing Clutter

Did you decide you are going to get rid of some of the excess clutter in your home? This is totally doable and will lead you to more time, more happiness, and an overall sense of feeling good. If you do a quick Google search you’ll find there are many benefits to decluttering your home. ContinueContinue reading “4 Tips To Help You Start Removing Clutter”

Happily Decluttered: About Me

If you read The Face Behind Happily Decluttered section on my website you already know a little bit about me but I wanted to take this opportunity to share more and explain why I decided to start blogging. Who am I? My name is Suzanne. I enjoy working in my garden and flower beds, goingContinueContinue reading “Happily Decluttered: About Me”

Don’t Let Clutter Creep In This Christmas

Christmas is two days away! Although Christmas is probably going to look a lot different this year than in years past, there’s a good chance that it is still going to involve presents. That means a decent amount of new things are going to be added to your home. After you’ve enjoyed opening your newContinueContinue reading “Don’t Let Clutter Creep In This Christmas”

How to Avoid Buying Gifts For Kids That Will Turn Into Clutter

When you are out shopping for Christmas gifts for kids, the choices can be overwhelming. There are the newest styles of clothing, the top trending toys of the season, and the most popular characters on everything! It is easy to get sucked up into the hype and go crazy buying all the cool stuff. YouContinueContinue reading “How to Avoid Buying Gifts For Kids That Will Turn Into Clutter”

Focus On The Positive: Happiness Highlights

Each day is filled with moments. They range from awesome to horrible and can fall anywhere in between. It’s easy to allow the negative moments to overtake your day. I’m guilty myself of getting caught up in negative news, bad attitudes, and disappointments. And if I’m not careful, I might even end up saying thatContinueContinue reading “Focus On The Positive: Happiness Highlights”

Christmas Celebrations: Finding the Positive in Less

Normally, the month of December for me and my family is filled with parties, cookie making get-togethers, concerts, milk and cookie storytimes, and many more Christmas themed activities. It is always fun and exciting! I think it goes without saying that this December has and will continue to be much different. *Covid Although it wouldContinueContinue reading “Christmas Celebrations: Finding the Positive in Less”

December: Happiness Highlights

Lately I noticed that many bloggers are writing about gratitude journals and it got me thinking… I had attempted writing in a gratitude journal in the past, but it didn’t last very long. It was an assignment from a professional development course I was in and it felt forced and structured. I didn’t get anythingContinueContinue reading “December: Happiness Highlights”

Turn your Clutter into a Christmas Wish

It’s December! The month of giving and holiday cheer! This month I want to start off with a holiday declutter and donate challenge that will help you remove clutter from your home, put you in a good mood, and hopefully provide someone with their Christmas wish. Try to complete one or more of the followingContinueContinue reading “Turn your Clutter into a Christmas Wish”

I am Thankful for Being Decluttered

Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I decided to write a blog post about the things I am thankful for in regards to decluttering. After I decluttered my house several years ago I have noticed a big difference in myself and how I live my life. This sign hangs in my living room by some family photosContinueContinue reading “I am Thankful for Being Decluttered”